Does Verz do any SEO for my website package?

For most of the web packages provided by Verz Design, these are the On-Page SEO work that we will handle:

  • Title Tagging
  • Header Tag Optimization
  • Robots.txt
  • User Friendly’s URL
  • Installing Google Analytics
  • Installing XML sitemap
  • Submitting XML sitemap to Search Engine
  • Image Optimisation

Most of the web packages provided by Verz Design come with basic On-Page SEO. However, we do not guarantee any success in keywords search. If you like to see results in SEO, separate SEO service has to be engaged and separate fees apply.

Fun Fact about Verz Design:

Even as a young web development agency, Verz has been consistently focused on pursuing excellence and bringing top class, quality ecommerce website designs to Singapore and overseas clients. This belief has allowed Verz to develop into one of the leading ecommerce web development agencies in Singapore. Now, Verz Design boasts numerous awards and offers holistic technical and marketing services, providing clients with not only highly rated websites but more importantly, partnerships built on trust and quality work.


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