What should business owners do to ensure their website is safe and secure?

Created: 31 Jul 2019 Author: Rupash Pratap Category: Cyber Security

Most of the hacking and malware that happened are due to careless handling of the computers or the password to the cPanel or Admin page. Business owners can and should take note of below practices to ensure their website is safe and secure:

  • Restrict the password to minimal number of person
  • Change the password after any programmer or third party has helped you with any work
  • Keep the password complex (not using just pure numbers or alphabets)
  • Do not access cPanel or your Admin on unknown or free to use computers (example: at the airport or cyber café).
  • Do not use the “save password” feature on your computer.
  • Always ensure that the computer you will use to access your cPanel or Admin Page is installed with Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware
  • If budget allows, please consider signing up for higher security options that include Malware detection, Malware Removal, Web Applications Firewall, etc.
  • Learn how to back up your website, because this always allows you to recover the website fully if it’s hacked or deleted from the server


Fun Fact about Verz Design:

As a leading ecommerce web development agency in Singapore, Verz Design has 12 years of experience under its belt in developing professional and user-friendly ecommerce websites for every industry. From designing a unique ecommerce design, to building a secure and safe website, to strengthening your digital marketing strategies, Verz is your trusted ecommerce developer in Singapore for all your ecommerce needs.

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