- Will there be any technical support and training given for handling the WordPress backend?
- Can I change my cPanel and WordPress Admin password?
- How do I change the WordPress login password?
- What do I do if I have forgotten my WordPress User/Password?
- Can I upgrade WordPress version myself?
- How do I receive the enquiries submitted to my website?
- Why am I not receiving the enquiries submitted from my website?
- Can I get a third party to install plugins for my website?
- How do I create a Google map API key for the store locator module?
- How do I change my social media links?
- How do I change my logo and default banner?
- How do I change the meta tags?
- How do I add and/or edit categories?
- How do I add and/or edit products?
- How do I change my menu navigation structure?
- How do I change my home page blocks?
- How do I manage the home page banner for my image slider?
- How do I change the order of categories?